1st Tuesday each month, 7-9pm

Please email us for location information

Art for the Unartistic

explore art without expectation or judgement

Art has always been a little difficult for me. I have continually had a hard time putting pen to paper and getting out of my perfectionism. I also had a younger sister who was great at it (and is helping me co-organize this!) so sometimes it felt like it was her thing and not for me. Breaking through this blockage was really important on my healing journey. Learning to express myself regardless of what it looked like, learning to experiment and explore with art has helped me learn to be freer.

This monthly art night was started to force myself to sit down and do something artistic at least once a month. A time set aside for expression through art. I welcome you to come join, whether you are an accomplished artist, or like me just trying to put the paint on the paper. We are creating art for art’s sake, a place to explore without expectation or judgement of what you produce.

Each month we will provide a project available to everyone at no cost. You are welcome to join us, or you can bring something you are work on (painting, digital art, needlepoint, crochet etc.)

This event is always free. Please reach out to be added to the contact list.

Facilitated by: Lindsey & Gina