Cleansing with Smoke
Smoke and the burning of herbs to cleanse has been used for centuries in cultures all around the world. Many different religions and people groups use smoke both for ceremonial and practical purposes. It’s used in the preservation of food, and also in church services and spiritual rituals. There are a multitude of traditions and ceremonies when it comes to using smoke. Some are closed practices, like smudging in the Native community, and others welcome anyone to try.
Cleansing with smoke can be as simple as using incense to change the mood of a room, or it can be complicated like a religious ritual. It can really be whatever you want it to. For me, when I burn herbs as a cleansing I ask for guidance, I push the smoke away from me as I ask for negative energy to leave the space and to get rid of anything I’ve been holding onto. When I’m ready to bring in good things, I circle the smoke back towards myself and ask for peace and love to come in and fill the room. It's a time to reset my mind and my space.
Choosing an herb stick:
I typically make my own, or buy from individual makers. I love when I can include herbs from my heritage, I like putting rosemary and thyme in for the reminder of my Italian ancestral homelands. I also love throwing in something sweet or beautiful to bring that intention into my space as well - I often use stevia and lavender in mine. When I buy herbs for burning, I try to get them sources with a similar approach to respectful gathering to how I gather.
The best thing is to do your own research and find what is important to you both in what you use and how you choose to use it. Avoid buying white sage as it was specifically cultivated by Native Americans for ceremonial use, but there are many other varieties of sage and a multitude of other plants to choose from. Many metaphysical stores sell alternatives to white sage. Ideally, try to find plants that you identify with as part of your heritage.
What to Say
This is your cleansing ritual, you can say nothing at all, or what makes sense to you. You could even look up a poem or prayer if that’s what resonates.
I typically say something along these lines:
Ancestral family, friends, plans, and animals come and be with me today. Please take away any negativity and stagnant energy here and bring in kindness, love, and peace. Please protect this house and those who live here. Thank you for guiding and being with me today.
Tips for Burning
Hold the top down and the lighter underneath so the flame get inside
Before burning again, lightly crush the burnt end to expose new herbs
Be careful of any falling embers
Keep a plate or bowl near to rest the lit herbs in when you’re done