On Candle Making

I came to candle making during the pandemic. Like so many others, we struggled at the beginning of covid isolation to find our own space in the house. All thrust together for 24-hours a day, the rooms often felt crowded and stale, even negative at times. I would burn herbs to clear a room, but we often found ourselves turning to candles to set a mood or change the feel of a room. It helped us get out of the negative space we were in and begin to see our home as a nurturing caretaker. I love a candle as a safe, easy alternative to burning herbs, and use them when I want to bring a little fire into our lives to create that warm and loving space.

We loved having candles in our space, but would notice they would sometimes burn poorly, or have a harsh smell. I started learning more about candles and the making process and decided to try my hand at feeding our growing habit. I sought out natural beeswax and looked for scents that were not only lovely to fill a room – but also brought intention to the space. I chose to use scents that would invoke and inspire the ideas and feelings I wanted to bring into my home and family. I believe the intention and significance those who came before us attached to plants and other things carries energetic weight – it supports and aids our focus and manifestation in life. Whether you plan to use these to focus your intention, or simply to add beauty to your space – I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.