Song Circle
Creating Space for Communal Music
There is something magical and deeply spiritual that happens when people make music together. I heard a quote a long time ago, that children learn harmony against the breastbone of their mothers and grandmothers, and I find so much truth in that. It’s one of the reasons I stayed in the church as long as I did. Communal singing used to be integrated into our daily lives with simple songs that can be taught in a minute and then layered with complex harmonies and instruments. In these environments we grow up feeling melodies and harmonies intermingle in our bones.
I’ve found it difficult to find non-religious places to sing and play music with other people. And even if you find people, it can be difficult to find songs that everyone knows or can play. This has led me to start collecting music that is made for communal singing. I’ve been going through folk albums, camp songbooks, and old sheet music looking for tunes that are easily teachable for a group.
The songs I’ve collected are simple in structure and can all be played with easier chords (C, G, D, em, am). This allows even beginning players to be able to join in and gain experience while more seasoned players can have a easy place to begin improvising.
I’m looking for people interested in joining me, either with instruments or in singing. No musical talent or background needed. If you are interested, please send a message so we can connect. I’ve placed the resources I’m working on here and will update them as more is added.
This event is always free. Please reach out to be added to the contact list or with song suggestions!
Facilitaed by: Gina
Next date: Sunday, January 12th 2pm
Please email us for location information