The Magician - 1
Believe in yourself and make it happen
The first stop on the Fool’s journey of self-actualization is to learn the lessons of the Magician. The Magician stands ready before his table of tools realizing all the untapped power and potential he has inside. He has mastered the power of the elements and can manifest his desires into the world. With one hand up towards the sky and the other down towards the earth, he channels divine energy infinitely through himself. Yet, despite having the desire and ability to come into power, he still needs guidance and training to truly harness it. The Fool learns he has the power he needs within him if he gains guidance on how to harness them.
Represents new beginnings, expansive energy, pure will, creativity, and imagination.
A reminder of the power and potential each of us holds inside, and our ability to create our own reality if we follow inspiration.
Your goals are within reach if you focus and use the tools you have. Seek out guidance and instruction to deepen your knowledge and ability.
Warning to make sure you are fully engaging with your creativity and abilities and following your intended path.
Numerology - 1
Ones bring in the energy of potential and new beginnings. They represent all that is to come sparking creativity, inspiration, and a place for manifestation. New realities are waiting to form but they need people with ambition, determination, and vision to move that creative spark into existence.
Tarot de Marseille
4 suits – the four tarot suits (wands, swords, cups, and pentacles), representing the four elements, are on the table ready to be used by the Magician and showing power over the natural world.
Infinity Symbol – continuous cycle and flow of spirit, Waite says it represents both the Holy Spirit (the powers of transformation), and the number 8 (a symbol of power, abundance, and cosmic balance). Also appears on Strength.
Double-tipped White Wand – channeling and drawing energy from above and below. Also appears on the World
Serpent Belt –a snake eating its tail, called an ouroboros, was a sign in Egyptian, Mesopotamian and Greek traditions that indicates the cycle of life and death and eternity.
Red Robe – the Magician is clothed in power, action, will, and passion. Also appears on the Hierophant, and the Emperor.
Red Roses – passion, power, and activation, with White Lilies – renewal, and innocence. These flowers together show a merging of energies creating clear thought and passion combined with a divine connection. Both are also on the Hierophant
Tarot for Kids
Air - the suit of intellect and communication, suit of swords, engage your mind, consider your thought process and look for clear paths to communication
Apollo – bringing light, clarity, and creativity in the midst of darkness, the potential for eternal life
Mercury – knowledge, studying, and manifesting your desires with hard work and communication.
The Wild Unknown Tarot
Archetype - Influential leaders who affect change by wielding powerful tools
Gandalf (The Lord of the Rings)
The White Witch (Chronicles of Narnia)
Dumbledore (Harry Potter)
Voldemort (Harry Potter)
Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty)
Merlin (King Arthur)
The Dragon - Powerful
The Dragon realizes he is magic and has the power and ability to control the four elements (fire, earth, water, and air). He is excited thinking about all that he can create and do.
You can do anything